Goal driven Collections officer with 5 year's experience in the Client's Sales/Service Industry and up to 2 years experience in Debt Collecting. Excellent communications skills, posses a strong character of patience and empathy to engage clients in leading conversation. Good closer and can handle customer objections with ease, without letting the customers attitude affect attitude and what is expected of on the job at hand.
Also served as a one of the top sales agents with a high rate of collected amounts while turning callers into customers and maintaining a high number of returning client's. Very well spoken, friendly with a bit of a persuasive attitude but without being pushy.
1. Rone Paulus (Debt Collection Manager) – Express Credit Cash Advance (PTY) LTD
Tell: 0819500500/ 061227 117
Cell: 0813275716
2. Sofia Goagoses (Manager), Melony Ganes (Call Center Manager) - Express Credit Cash Advance (PTY) LTD
Tell: 0819500500/ 061 227 117
Cell: 0816812924, 0855510240 - Manager
Cell: 0814230639 – Call Center Manager
3. Maritza Marais - Frasers the Grove (Store Manager)
Tell: 061 300 087
Cell: 081 800 7007
4. Martin Enkali - Mountain Eagle Spur (Manager)
Tell: 061 303 711
Cell: 081 237 2022