Work History
Sandra Munene

Sandra Munene

Katima Mulilo,Namibia


A nurse practitioner with over 2 ycars working experience in Clinical settings and further training

in Prevention of mother to Child transmission of HIV focusing much on Mother- Infant pair Cohort

monitoring and Tuberculosis prophylaxis training, With a background understanding on ward

routines, treatment guidelines for common conditions and area of expertise 1 can perform Sterile

and clean procedures thoroughly. As an excellent communicator, I quickly gained the trust and

confidence of patients Imet. In addition to this, 1 am highly skilled in quantitative and presentation

skills using computer programs and in collaborative team working towards achieving a common

goal. 1 possess a clear and logical mind set with a practical approach to problem-solving and a

drive to see objectives through to completion. Finally, 1 have interest in my profession and am

well-versed in ward routines.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Registered Nurse

Nakachenje mini hospital
Lusaka, Zambia
10.2020 - 09.2022
  • Initiate and undertaking timely basic treatment in order to facilitate safe motherhood.
  • I performed cervical cancer screening.
  • Identified and managed clients with minor disorders of pregnancy.
  • I Performed data entry and updates in registers and Smart Care service database as required.
  • Collects and maintains timely writing of reports in order to facilitate decision making.
  • I kept being up to date with national guidelines and protocols including EMTCT.
  • Referred clients to other clinician to ensure holistic and continuity of care.
  • I Screened and dispensed drugs to patients.

Student on attachments

Senanga District Hospital Chest Clinic
Senenga , Zambia
02.2019 - 03.2019
  • Dispensed anti tuberculosis treatment according to phases of care.
  • Analyzed of lab findings and clinical diagnosis of TB based on clinical presentation.
  • Collected and safely handled of laboratory samples.
  • Data entry and timely reporting relating to TB inputs.


Diploma in Registered Nursing - Registered Nurse

Senanga School of nursing
Senaga | Zambia
07.2016 - 06.2019

Grade 12 - General Certificate of Education

Mwandi Secondary School
Mwandi | Zambia
01.2012 - 11.2014

Grade 8 to 9 - Basic School

Mwandi basic school
Mwandi | Zambia
01.2010 - 11.2011


  • Excellent communication and Interpersonal skills
  • Good observational and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent in time management
  • Good team working skills

  • Proficient in using computer programs such as Ms Word, Excel and power point
  • Exceptional at writing reports and presenting report findings
  • Internet surfing
  • Excellent quantitative and presentation skills, using software such as MS Excel and power point




Registered Nurse

Nakachenje mini hospital
10.2020 - 09.2022

Student on attachments

Senanga District Hospital Chest Clinic
02.2019 - 03.2019

Diploma in Registered Nursing - Registered Nurse

Senanga School of nursing
07.2016 - 06.2019

Grade 12 - General Certificate of Education

Mwandi Secondary School
01.2012 - 11.2014

Grade 8 to 9 - Basic School

Mwandi basic school
01.2010 - 11.2011
Sandra Munene